


How the new Instegogram threat creates liability for organizations

26 Dec 20234 mins
LegalRisk ManagementThreat and Vulnerability Management

Organizations might be at risk of liability for images containing malicious code they post on social media even if they were unaware of it.

Instagram phone login screen
Credit: Foundry

Writing in 2017, one of the authors of this article noted that, “Social media networks represent the largest, most dynamic risk to organizational security and allocating liability.” Unfortunately, with the growth of social media networks since then, this threat has only increased. First identified in 2016, this risk combines digital image steganography and social media in the corporate environment. While neither steganography nor social media are new, it is novel to combine both as a tool for malware distribution.

What is Instegogram?

This scheme, known as “Instegogram,” is the use of social networks, Instagram in particular, as a threat actor’s command-and-control site. Instegogram is unique in that “once the remote system is compromised, encoded images can be posted from the command machine using Instagram’s API. The remote system will download the image, decode it, execute the encoded commands, encode the results in another image, and post back to Instagram.” Instegogram was created for academic purposes, but its potential use as part of a malware attack poses the question of who would be liable for such an attack.

Instegogram attacks could remove liability protections

Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), companies that offer web-hosting services are typically shielded from liability for most content that customers or malicious users place on the websites they host. However, such protection may cease if the website controls the information content. A company that uses a social media network to create the picture or develop information would arguably control that information and thus may not be immune. That is, if a service provider is “responsible, in whole or in part, for the creation or development of the offending content,” its actions could fall outside the CDA’s protections.

Whether the CDA protections extend to damage caused by malware is still largely an open question of law. Companies could therefore be liable for third-party damage resulting from an Instegogram attack, even if they did not know the digital image was infected. As no statutory immunities exist to shield social media users, a company could be liable for any resulting damage caused by a criminal hacker’s embedded command-and-control infrastructure.

Minimizing risk from Instegogram and other social media attacks

In recent years, the use of social media platforms for cyberattacks has increased, and companies have become more vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, organizations should take necessary precautions and establish security measures to minimize the risk of cyberattacks. Companies should educate their employees on the potential threats of social media and the importance of avoiding opening suspicious links or downloading unfamiliar attachments. Additionally, it is crucial to keep software up-to-date, install antivirus software and firewalls, and limit access to sensitive information. By implementing these measures, companies can reduce the likelihood of being a victim of cyberattacks.

In addition to these security measures, companies should work with their insurance brokers and insurers to review their insurance policies and assess coverage for this risk. Companies should be aware that a number of insurance policies could cover such liabilities, including those associated with cyber risks, errors or omissions, or those addressing media liabilities.

Anna Diaz Gessner contributed to this article.

Disclaimer: This content is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you require legal or professional advice, please contact an attorney.     

by Daniel B. Garrie

Daniel B. Garrie is a distinguished neutral with JAMS, an arbitrator, mediator, and Special Master with expertise in cybersecurity, data privacy, e-discovery, and intellectual property. He is the Founder and Managing Partner of Law & Forensics LLC, where he leads the cyber security and forensic practice teams and frequently testifies as an expert witness on e-discovery, cybersecurity, and computer forensics. Additionally, he is a Fellow of the Academy of Court-Appointed Neutrals. He is also a Professor at Harvard in the School of Continuing Education, teaching Information Security, Computer Forensics, and Cybersecurity Law.  

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Jennifer Deutsch, director of privacy services at Law & Forensics, LLC, is a renowned privacy professional and licensed attorney focused on ensuring data security and privacy standards. Her expertise lies in cybersecurity audits, compliance assessments, and digital forensics investigations.

Peter A. Halprin is a partner in Haynes and Boone, LLP’s New York office. Peter represents commercial policyholders in complex insurance coverage matters with a focus on recovery strategies in relation to cyber breaches and cybercrime, COVID-19 and natural disasters, professional services, regulatory investigations, and technology disputes. Over the course of his career, Peter has arbitrated, litigated, and mediated claims involving a broad range of insurance policies and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in insurance proceeds for policyholders. Peter has helped clients pursue insurance coverage for business e-mail compromise schemes, cyber crimes, data breaches, fraudulent e-mails, invoice manipulation schemes, phishing and whaling attacks, ransomware attacks, privacy and statutory liability, and technology E&O disputes. He is also a prolific author and speaker on insurance coverage for cyber risks. In addition to being a faculty member at the Global Cyber Institute, he is an adjunct professor of law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, and a fellow with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He also recently completed a Harvard VPAL course entitled “Cybersecurity: Managing Risk in the Information Age.”